
I'm a Mechanical Design Engineer for a large industrial / Ag equipment company and have quite a bit of experience with 3D printers, from Fortus, Carbon3D down to maker bots and Ultimakers.

I purchased a large-scale printer when it came out on Kickstarter in 2013 because of the large build volume. That was definitely a challenge and unfortunately, due to the number of upgrades and constant work to keep it going, I only used it for 2 years and then it set.

I decided to get it up and going again after sitting for quite some time. Very quickly I decided it wasn't worth the hassle to upgrade and started looking for a replacement.

I saw the Copymaster 3D and automatically felt it was worth a try... It is definitely worth it!! 

The machine was packaged very well and put together in a professional manner. Shipping was on time as promised.

It took me about an hour to get it together and then another hour at least to get the bed level, which is typical to me for manual levelling. All parts seem to be very well manufactured and good quality. 

After a couple of hours, I started with a bed levelling print and within 3 prints felt good with what I had. (no glass)

I started with Colorfab NGEN and had no problem with it sticking. I ran a 5 and a half hour print and it came out pretty good, just need to adjust a setting in Simplify3D.

For the next print, I jumped over to Colorfab Woodfill, which I was a little nervous about, but it knocked it out of the park first time. I ran a 9-hour print and it printed beautifully.

I love the removable magnetic platform. It's similar to what the Fortus machines use. Do you have a source where an extra can be purchased?

I am very impressed with the printer, especially at the price point!


Not sure if I would call these cons, but a couple things I would like to point out.

  • Takes quite a while for the heated bed to get to temp, especially if you're going above 60C
  • Auto bed levelling would make this thing an all around 110% great printer... If there's any way you can come up with an upgrade for this I will be 1st in line!
  • The filament sensor is too close to the roll and underneath. If it was to the left more so the filament could come straight off the roll and down straight through, I think it would transition a lot smoother. 

    Overall though I am very impressed with this printer.

    Jim C - 03/09/18